THIS IS MY LIFE – Episode 14
CLICK HERE Living at Meadow Lake has it perks. There are always people around and things to do. Folks promenade on the walkways and once in awhile someone will stop in to visit. Other times I'll see a resident strolling in the back at the Bird Sanctuary...

THIS IS MY LIFE – Episode 13
CLICK HERE I was now a "grownup" kitten! My tummy fuzz grew back into silky black fur and I scampered around as usual. "Nina!" Miss M'lu was calling me. I was entertaining myself by swatting at Ringo's tail. Since he was starting to look annoyed I...

THIS IS MY LIFE – Episode 12
CLICK HERE We were on our way to SNIPPET. I had been there before, I remember, when I got my shots and got chipped. I was sitting in my car seat, watching the countryside go by. The Vet Clinic was way on the other...

THIS IS MY LIFE – Episode 11
CLICK HERE The weeks rolled by and almost every day was a fun day for me. Miss M'lu kept taking me out to do different things and to meet people. She said I had to have as much exposure as possible if I was going to be a therapy cat. I had to meet all various...

THIS IS MY LIFE – Episode 10
CLICK HERE My days were spent doing kitten things, and not so kitten things. Some days I would lead Miss M'Lu around the house with my leash and then we'd turn around and I would follow her. It was a fun game. Almost...

THIS IS MY LIFE – Special Episode 3 (The Humans’ Version)
CLICK HERE In the first two Special Episodes one saw the adventure through Nina's eyes. Yet there is another side to the rescue, as seen through her humans' eyes. This is the other side of the story......
THIS IS MY LIFE – Special Episode (Part 2)
CLICK HERE "Mewelp! Mewelp! " I screamed in a kitten voice as I fell...... PLOP!!!! "Meowch! What happened? Where am I?" I was scared and my paws hurt from the hard landing. I remember trying to...
THIS IS MY LIFE – Special Episode (part 1)
CLICK HERE "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" Ringo meowed happily. "What's Christmas?" I asked. "I've never heard of it before." "This will be your first one," he replied. "It's a time when everyone is scurrying around...
THIS IS MY LIFE – Episode 9
Click Here The next morning I woke up in a tizzy. I was excited wondering about the day. I walked around and ran into Friendly. "Hi, Friendly. Do you know where Ingo is?" "Hiss-s" was her reply....

THIS IS MY LIFE – Episode 8
CLICK HERE After all the fun I had had in the Kitty Cabana the day before I was looking forward to another day outside. It turns out I did spend a day outside, but it wasn't like what I had thought. "Nina, where are you?" I heard...
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